NEW YORK - Joggers in shorts, people strolling in T-shirts, jackets tied around waists and slung over arms — even tank tops made an appearance Saturday morning inside Manhattan's Central Park.

"I’ve never seen this before in New York. I’m used to two feet of snow right now and it’s 60 degrees and I’m sweating," said one New Yorker.

The spring-like weather in January with temperatures nearing 70 degrees brought New Yorkers out into the open air, some hitting the pavement at the park's running track. 

City-dwelling dogs that are usually wrapped in canine coats roamed free of the extra layers Saturday.

New Yorkers headed for work decided to walk. 

"I’m going to a breakfast meeting and I’m walking at 7:30 in the morning and it’s like 60 degrees," noted one New Yorker.

Others already at the grind were expecting a good day because of the pleasant atmosphere. 

"I’m excited because I’ll get more customer," said one vendor. "Everybody going to be happy if we work good."

Not only did the balmy weather bring out the best in New Yorkers, it even lured a couple from Westchester into the city for the weekend. 

"We looked at the Weather Channel and said it’s going to be nice and warm. We’ve been married 32 years and I told my wife, we are going to the city," said one man from Westchester.

His wife added, "We are going to have breakfast at a nice place and then have lunch and then head back home."

But as many New Yorkers know, as quickly as the warm weather arrived, it will soon disappear.

Cool temperatures will make their way back in on Tuesday.