The idea is simple: post photos of food with a baby in the background.

That concept has generated 312,000 followers and counting for @FoodBabyNY on Instagram.

The people behind the account are Michael and Alexandra Chau of Forest Hills, Queens.

"I always kind of posted pictures of food that nobody cared about and it was kind of repetitive: the same thing over and over. Then I became the same person with my son and I thought of a way to make them both a little more entertaining and different, which was to combine them both," Michael said.

It began with a combo post five years ago. Since then, their family has grown, along with their following.

There's 5-year-old Matthew, 3-year-old Samantha, and Nicole, who was born late last year.

The Chaus say, as lifelong foodies, it seemed natural to start snapping pictures of their kids with mouthwatering food.

"When you have a child, you naturally take a million photos of your kids,” Alexandra said. “We were taking pictures of food and our kids, so it was natural to kind of combine them."

The couple has used their Instagram following to host food festivals and a gender reveal party. They’ve even begun selling specially designed T-shirts and sweatshirts online.

"It's fun seeing people come up to us some react like we are actual celebrities, which is kind of crazy to me, some people really love it and they get a kick out of seeing us and the kids,” Michael said.

Their photos typically tout the restaurants where the food is from. But the Chaus say they do the shoutouts for free and have no interest in doing sponsored posts, a way many Instagram influencers with large followings make money.

Michael is a software programmer, and Alexandra works in finance. The account, they say, is mostly just a labor of love.

"It's really the same thing we would have been doing anyway, we just do it purely for fun and I think that's why people like it," Michael said.

Having an account named Food Baby NY would seem to be a problem as their children grow older, but they say they have no plans to change the name or stop taking photos.

"I think part of the fun is watching the family grow and giving people a window, a kind of lens in our life,” Alexandra said. “This is the greatest baby journal that you can have. Remember the journals you had with the hand prints and footprints? It's that, but on so much of a grander scale."