Maybe they just needed to use New York water.

Apple will add more than 70 new emoji in their upcoming iOS release for iPhones, iPads, Apple Watches, and Macs, but its bagel emoji is raising eyebrows among New Yorkers. 



New Yorkers were...less than impressed.


Some compared it to the pre-packaged Lender's Bagels.


Others said the bagel looked like another familiar round baked good.

One New Yorker thought it was a combination of the two.
And some New Yorkers wanted more variety in their bagel emoji options.
Our Pat Kiernan was not impressed either. He asked New Yorkers to send in photos of what they think a bagel emoji should look like.
The responses he got showcased bagels that were...much less plain.
Other new emojis include a salt shaker emoji, a cupcake emoji, a softball emoji and a skateboard emoji. 
They will be released with Apple's iOS 12.1 update.