A dockless bike-sharing pilot is slated to come to four New York City neighborhoods in four different boroughs by the end of this year, with three areas to see the bikes this month.

The city transportation department announced Tuesday that multiple companies will provide the service.

"Maybe if you don't want to sweat while you're riding, if you are maybe wearing a dress, also if you feel like maybe you're a little out of shape, you get a little bit of a boost while you ride," said an official from JUMP, one of the companies.

Dockless bikes can be locked anywhere on their own and are found using phone apps and GPS.

The pilot program is expected to put at least 200 bikes in each of the areas: The Rockaways, Central Bronx, Staten Island's North Shore, and Coney Island.

The bikes will be a mix of standard and pedal-assisted bicycles.


The Rockaways: Mid-July. Pace and Lime will provide bikes, although Lime will offer standard bikes only until July 28.

Central Bronx: Mid-to-late July, JUMP and ofo bikes.

North Shore of Staten Island: Mid-to-late July, JUMP and Lime bikes.

Coney Island: Later this year. Motivate and a potential fifth company to be named later will provide bikes.