NY1's latest Queens Person of the Week is helping the youth in his Far Rockaway community jump into success.
Matt McClure introduces us.

The Rockaway community knows him as the double dutch man. But for many he is more than just a coach or the local rec center employee.

Since the 80's Stan Brown has held various roles with the New York City Parks Department at the Sorrentino Recreation Center in Far Rockaway.

He currently acts as the center's sports coordinator, and in his spare time, he is the head coach of a double dutch team, the Pepper Steppers.

"I do multiple sports, but double dutch is my heart, says Brown.

What began as attempt to get neighborhood kids off the street, Brown's double dutch program has now seen more than 5,000 youth come through its doors.

Since it began more than 40 years ago, Brown and his Pepper Steppers have competed in national and world championships, claiming 100 titles in various categories.

"It is an urban game, but a world wide sport," said Brown.

But for Brown it is about more than just the trophies and medals.

He wants all jumpers to take the skill they learn from double dutch and apply it to their everyday life.

And so far, he has been pretty successful at it.

"I have almost a 99% success rate as far as graduation. And most of my jumpers, the older ones, they all have masters and bachelors degrees. So academically, they are very solid, just not an athletic skill base. What I like to get out is better attitude, better direction and a brighter future. " said Brown.

As for those who have been a part of it, they know just how special it is, too.

"When you are a Pepper Stepper, you are a Pepper Stepper for life. So it is a culture, it is a life style. You friendships take you further on in life, so it doesn't just end with being on the double dutch court, "said former jumper Marissa Danzy.

And even after 40 years of jumping with the youth, Brown can't seem to walk away from it all.

"Every year I say I am not going to do it, but it just comes back to itself so I want to be here, I want to see y'all be here, " said Brown.

And so, for making sure the youth in his community never skip a step, Stan Brown is our Queens Person of the Week. ​