A group of volunteers gave a local playground in Midland Beach a new look for Earth Day.
They planted beach grass, gathered tree bark and painted steps at Dongan Playground as part of New York Cares Day Spring.
It was started by the organization to revitalize over fifty parks and community gardens throughout the city.
Partakers of this event say that there was a special reason behind sprucening up this park.
"This is a park that got hit by superstorm sandy so the water came out from the beach and it left about a foot of water across the park, um, and althought it's been four years, there is still recovery going on." said Susan Craine the director of Community Programs at New York Cares
"We all remember what it was like and so it's nice to be able to help out." said Jessica Barbour a volunteer.
This will be the organization's twenty third year of hosting the event with over three thousand volunteers city wide.