A West Brighton mom is showing the world that motherhood is a calling for the visually impaired too. A blog chronicling her daily life has more than 50,000 subscribers from around the world. NY1's Lisa Voyticki spent one afternoon with the busy mom.
At 32 years old, West Brighton resident Holly Bonner took a nap, and woke up blind.
It was a devastating side affect from chemotherapy treatment she received for breast cancer.
And then, within six months, some more unexpected news, she and her husband were pregnant.
"Finding out that I was pregnant with my daughter, it saved my life because I didn't want to live anymore," said Bonner.
"I really focused on what I needed to do be able to function as a blind person and as a mom," said the former social worker, who holds two masters degrees. "I am an Ivy league educated woman and I had to learn how to cross the street again. I had to learn how to make a grilled cheese sandwich, I had to learn how to do my laundry."
Today, at the age of 37, she is doing it for herself and for her family of four.
She has two daughters, Nuala, who is four-years old, and Aoife, who is two years old.
Bonner, also works from home full-time as the Director of Education and Outreach for the Island's Illuminart Productions, while her husband works overnights as an NYPD Detective.
She chronicles her life as a blind parent on the blog blindmotherhood.com.
It has more than 50,000 subscribers from around the world.
On the blog and its related Facebook page, she gives strangers a window into her life, and resources relating to fertility, relationships, guide dogs, recipes, helpful apps and technology.
Bonner also makes videos showing visually impaired parents things like how to change a diaper, and put bells on their toddlers' shoes so they can hear them walking around.
Technology plays a big role in her daily life. A handheld magnifier helps her check sizes, for instance, of prom dresses that she is planning to donate. She uses a device called a color reader to identify the color of her clothes. When she presses it against the fabric, it announces the color.
Another device that she wears on her glasses, called an OrCam, reads aloud text, and identifies products or even faces.
Her four-year old Nuala knows that mommy's vision is 'broken,' and tells strangers not to pet her guide dog, Frances.
"Frances helps mommy see," said Nuala.
Bonner says parents of blind kids tell her because of the blog, they now believe they can one day be grandparents.
"It is my purpose to do this," said Bonner.
She also fields calls from doctors in South America, who want to learn more about her situation.
Clearly, her potential for helping others is far beyond the eye can see.