The City of Palmdale is working to make Domenic Massari Park safer.

Following a shooting at the park last year, the city has more security officers on site. Sheriff’s deputies are also doing more patrolling.

Some in the community are still concerned and say more could be done.

The city listened to those concerns at a Park Watch meeting held in June. More changes will be made in the coming months to improve safety.

Security cameras will be installed, allowing the city to better monitor activity and identify those breaking the law.

The city is also planning to have more community events at the park.

Kery German, a Crime Prevention Specialist for the City of Palmdale, says those living and visiting the park need to call and report any suspicious behavior.

"We can’t do this by ourselves. It can’t be just the city. It can’t be just the Sheriff’s Department. They need to be involved. They are the eyes and ears of that park," says German.

Happening later this month, the city will host a “National Night Out” event at the park. 

City officials hope the event will strengthen neighborhoods and police relations. They also encourage everyone to turn on their outdoor lights and spend evenings outside with neighbors throughout the summer.

National Night Out takes place July 28 starting at 5 p.m. For more info, you can call (661) 267-5170.