Several prominent Hindu leaders are joining forces for a rally Friday to speak out against what police are investigating as a hate crime — the burning of dozens of religious flags outside a home in Queens — and NY1's Ruschell Boone reports on the group and the woman leading the charge.

Sunita Viswanath is working the phones and her contacts to get the word out about the We are One rally Friday night to denounce the burning of 40 religious flags outside a Woodhaven home on Thanksgiving. 

"It's at 7 o'clock until 8 and we really want you to be there," Viswanath says on the phone.

The rally is being held at the corner of 89th Avenue and 80th Street in Woodhaven.

Viswanath is one of the co-founders the group Sadhana, a coalition of progressive Hindus who are behind the rally. 

"We took the lead in organizing this in order to stand in solidarity with the family that was attacked," Viswanath said. "The family is terrified because if those flags had been affixed to their house which they often are there could have been a major fire and people could have been hurt."

The rally is a departure from their usual work. Sadhana is known for cleaning up beaches and just this summer it was honored with a Champion of Change award by the White House for its environmental work. Viswanath says it is becoming  more vocal about other issues.  

"It is imperative that faith based people who stand for justice and unity, faith-based people who believe that we are stand together and this is what propels us," Viswanath said.

Viswanath has also enlisted the help of Vishnu Mahadeo, a well-known community leader in this Indo-Caribbean enclave where the Jhandi flags are often placed at the end of prayer rituals. Mahadeo is hoping the rally can also be a teachable moment.

"We have to be aware of our environment and we also have to increase the awareness of the larger community about who we are, and what we are, and the purpose of our flags and other places of worship that people will understand we are here to stay and partners in society," Mahadeo said.

Police are still hunting for the suspect who burned the flags.