A train service between Broad Channel and Rockaway Boulevard was expected to be suspended until about 4 a.m. Thursday after a stolen copper cable caused massive delays in the morning.
The Metropolitan Transportation Authority says a "massive" copper cable theft is to blame for this morning's delays on the A line in Queens, affecting thousands of riders.
The power loss forced the MTA to suspend service between Rockaway Boulevard and Broad Channel stations.
MTA New York City Transit President Carmen Bianco says an A train lost power north of the Howard Beach station around midnight.
After investigating the power failure, the agency says hundreds of feet of copper wire was discovered missing.
“Vandals came in, I'm not sure how they accessed that actual area but they were able to come in and cut that cable using tools, obviously, because it's very large diameter cable, and they were able to take approximately 500 feet,” said Bianco.
The agency says the NYPD Transit Bureau is heavily involved in catching the thieves.
“Very bold. You're raising risks and exposure for our customers. We rely on that cable to actually complete the electrical circuit. So as electric is served to the train it wants to return back to its source. And it's actually that return that was actually removed and cut," said Bianco.
He said the area will be monitored closely to protect against future thefts.
The MTA has set up shuttle buses as an alternative route in the Rockaways.
Service is expected to be restored in time for the morning commute.
For the latest transit information, visit mta.info.