The CDC estimates that approximately one in every six U.S. adults binge drinks about once a week. But more people are making the choice of choosing a sober lifestyle instead.

On Women Wednesday, Shea Gomez, a New Yorker joined “News All Day” to talk about how she is trying to normalize and glamorize the sober life with her brand, “No Booze Babes.”

Gomez says that while she wasn’t an alcoholic, her drinking was problematic and she didn’t like how she felt after drinking. Now that she’s embraced sobriety, she feels more beautiful than ever.

After a three month break from alcohol, she realized she wanted to live that way for the rest of her life.

Gomez and her sister have a podcast called “The Real Sisters of Sobriety,” where they discuss topics like sober dating and how to go to holiday parties and stay sober.

For those who want to live a sober life, Gomez suggests reaching out for support and to start by taking a 30-day or 90-day break from drinking.

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