The Trump campaign had promised a message of unity when Donald Trump stepped up to the podium to close out the Republican National Convention Thursday night, saying he would tear up his speech after being targeted by an assassin.  

But while Trump did offer some words of unity, the former president quickly segued into a familiar list of his boasts and grievances.

During an appearance on “Mornings On 1” Friday, Republican political consultant Bill O’Reilly said expecting a stark change in demeanor from Trump might have been too much to ask.

“I think he did tear up the speech, but it was the consultant speech that was torn,” O’Reilly said. “He did look contemplative, I’ll say, and he did come out with some humility, which I think serves him very, very well, but you’re not going to stop Donald Trump from being Donald Trump. He’s just going to revert to form, and he did so last night. I think he did fine with it.”

Coming out of the convention, O’Reilly said he was most struck by how completely the Republican Party is now under the control of Trump.

“Trump owns this party, and it feels like there’s kind of a tectonic shift going on in America. A real realignment in politics, and we’ll see how far it goes this election,” he said. “But you’re seeing legs of the conservative stool removed, and some legs of the old Democratic Party put in their place.”

Overall, O’Reilly said the convention was “outstanding” for Republicans — but added that they need to seize the moment for fundraising.

“They should be fundraising like crazy. It’s rare to see a political party have this much momentum that came together so quickly,” O’Reilly said. “Put money in the bank while you can do it. But also don’t be complacent, because the Democrats will get their act together.”