Television host Phil Rosenthal has made it back to New York City after another gastronomic and cultural adventure in the latest season of his Netflix series, "Somebody Feed Phil."

The Queens native, who has become known for his globe-trotting culinary escapades, traveled thousands of miles across seven countries in the upcoming season, from Iceland to Japan to India and beyond.

Rosenthal appeared on "Mornings On 1" Friday, reflecting on what sets his show apart from other food-focused programs.

"It's more about travel," Rosenthal said. "And I'm just using food and my stupid sense of humor to get you in the tent to give you the real message that I think the world might be better if we all could experience a little bit of other people's experiences."

When asked about his approach to planning his culinary adventures, Rosenthal revealed that food plays a pivotal role in his travel plans.

"When I plan a trip, the first thing I do is, 'Where am I going to eat?' And then all the other stuff comes with it," he said. "But when I get there, it's always the people that make the biggest impression."

Beyond his show, Rosenthal has also ventured into writing, recently collaborating with his daughter, Lily, on a children's book titled "Just Try It," which became a New York Times bestseller.

While discussing it, however, he noted that the book could apply to a broader audience.

“It's one of the joys of my life to work with Lily,” he said. “And listen, while I was writing this book with her, I realized it's not just for kids. How many grown-ups do we know won’t try new foods or ideas or reality?"

The latest season of "Somebody Feed Phil" is streaming now on Netflix.