According to the New York City Administration for Children's Services, there were less than 7,200 children in the city's foster care system as of last year. There were approximately 11,000 in the system as of 2015.
There are many organizations committed to ensuring that progress continues. One of them is New Yorkers for Children. Its executive director, Saroya Friedman-Gonzalez, joined NY1 to discuss the city's foster care system.
New Yorkers for Children focuses on young people aging out of foster care between the ages of 18 and 26. They focus on education, emotional support and financial support.
Friedman-Gonzalez acknowledges the city has done a lot to invest in education and coaches for students. The coaches are paid positions that provide foster youth with an positive adult influence, especially as many deal with post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depression.
Regarding the link between abortion and the foster care system, Friedman-Gonzalez says there is a real concern about the system's ability to handle a surge in foster care. While abortion is legal in New York after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, she still expects there will still be an impact on the foster system here.