The public review process is underway for Mayor Eric Adams’ housing initiative known as the “City of Yes.”

The proposal would boost the construction of new housing through zoning changes.

According to the Department of City Planning, the initiative would produce more than 108,000 new homes over the next 15 years.

The “City of Yes” has been a cornerstone of the administration’s plan to create new housing in the city. It’s now going before community boards and borough presidents for public review.

The plan could go to a final vote by the City Council by the end of the year.

Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso joined NY1 political reporter Bobby Cuza on "Inside City Hall" Tuesday to discuss more. 

"I think it's an opportunity for us to do something that's not been done in quite some time, which is a city wide text amendment, which is very valuable," he said about the initiative. ""It means it's across the board. Everyone has to be a part of it one way or another."