Gov. Kathy Hochul and State Attorney General Letitia James held a joint press conference Wednesday on the dangers of unregulated social media use among kids and young adults.

They announced two pieces of legislation to help protect minors and their online data.

The bills would restrict social media feeds from offering any content the user is not subscribed to and limit access to social media platforms during the overnight hours.

But some groups have voiced concerns, saying these new laws could violate users’ privacy and First Amendment rights.

Julie Samuels, president and executive director of Tech:NYC, a network of tech leaders working to promote businesses in New York and advance policy positions, joined NY1 political reporter Bobby Cuza on “Inside City Hall” Thursday to talk more about the potential pitfalls of the bills.

“There are some red flags. We’ve seen bills like this in blue states and in red states,” Samuels said. “They really infringe on some First Amendment rights. We really want to make sure that whatever we end up with here isn’t just an exercise of going straight to court, but actually is something that will work for New York families.”