City Comptroller Brad Lander joined NY1 political anchor Errol Louis on “Inside City Hall” Tuesday to talk about some of the things he has been working during his first few weeks in office. He discussed a report recently released by his office that shows that the NYPD failed to move more than 415 positions from uniformed officers to civilians by fiscal 2017. This is a process known as civilianization that would lead to millions of dollars in saving for the agency. However, Lander explained that the NYPD had a positive reaction to the report and that they vowed to work hard to meet the cost-saving targets.

The city comptroller also weighed in on Mayor Eric Adams’ request for 3% cuts from nearly all city agencies. He said that he mostly agrees with the cuts, but would like to see more investment in supportive housing, mental health resources and violence interrupter programs as a way to curb crime in the city. He also said that the NYPD and the Department of Correction should not be excluded from the cuts.