Rep. Gregory Meeks discusses school safety ahead of the upcoming school year. A new Qualtrics’ 2022 back-to-school study finds parents’ top concern is school safety. Many want additional security guards and more school safety drills. Meeks discusses what needs to be done to protect our students.
The city’s Department of Education recently announced its ramping up safety protocols for the new school year, including more safety staffers, violence interrupters and new front door locking technology. Meeks discusses the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act and what the millions of dollars for school safety will do for schools here in the city. It expands background checks, criminalizes gun trafficking and stops domestic abusers.
The assault weapons ban expired in 2004. Since then, there have been some of the deadliest mass shootings in history, including Uvalde in May, which left 21 people dead. Meeks explains where the legislation stands now and what the Active Shooter Alert Act will do.
The bill would create an Albert alert-like network to notify the public about active shooters and help law enforcement communicate during active shooter incidents.