98% of businesses in New York City are considered small, with fewer than 100 employees. 89% are very small, with fewer than 20 employees. Yet, according to a report from the City Comptroller’s Office, only 3% of the city’s small businesses are owned by African Americans. And, though women own around 350,000 New York City small businesses, sustaining them, keeping them going beyond the magical five year mark, is especially challenging. Our guests are dedicated to changing that narrative. Bronx Assemblyman and Congressional candidate Michael Blake worked in the Obama Administration, reaching out to minority business owners. Today, he supports those small business owners, helping to enact laws making it easier to operate in the city. Jonell Doris is the Director of Mayor’s Office of Minority and Women Owned businesses, working with entrepreneurs and helping to developing programs to provide support, with everything from financial aid to help filling out the proper forms and developing business plans. And Chris Upperman is the CEO of Envolve Entrepreneurship, a not-for-profit that offers financial aid, workshops and advice to entrepreneurs around the country, with a focus on what they call “underserved” communities.
Minority and Women Owned Businesses in NYC
PUBLISHED September 8, 2019 @12:33 PM