As Girl Scouts across the country set up their tables to sell cookies as part of an annual tradition that dates back to 1917, the Girl Scouts of America said they are discontinuing two flavors. This is the last season people will be able to buy French-toast-flavor Toast-Yay! cookies and the graham cracker sandwich cookies Girl Scout S’mores.
The 2025 cookie lineup includes 12 flavors. The perennial trio of favorites are back: Thin Mints, Samoas/Caramel deLites and Peanut Butter Patties/Tagalongs. In addition to the two flavors that won’t be available starting next year, the Girls Scouts will sell brownie-type Adventurefuls, Caramel Chocolate Chip, oatmeal Do-si-dos, shortbread Lemonades, lemony Lemon-ups, Toffee-tastic butter cookies and the original Girl Scout shortbread cookie, Trefoils.
Girl Scout cookie season officially began Tuesday and will run through April. To find a local cookie seller, visit
The money Girl Scouts raise through annual cookie sales helps support the world’s largest entrepreneurship program for girls, supporting camps and service projects.
“Girl Scout Cookie season is about so much more than selling the iconic cookies people know and love,” Girl Scouts of the USA Chief Revenue Officer Wendy Lou said in a statement. “The funds girls earn throughout the season directly power girls’ journeys in leadership, entrepreneurship and community building. The sweet success of each sale is a testament to how much girls can change the world when they put their minds to it.”