According to the state's Office for the Aging, there are more than 4 million caregivers in the state who provide 2 billion hours of unpaid care. And during the pandemic, most of them cited issues with burnout.

To help support them, the state has partnered with Trualta, an online learning platform to help caregivers reduce their stress levels and learn new skills.

Joining us on today's Wellness Monday segment is Leda Rosenthal, Director of Growth at Trualta and a caregiver to her mother who has dementia.

Rosenthal says that 50% of caregivers don't even realize they're filling that role — they just feel like they're being a good relative or friend. Signs of burnout include depression, exhaustion, feeling hopeless, and irritability.

Trualta is an e-learning platform that offers skills-based training to improve caregiving as well as self-care modules to support the caregiver's mental health. There are also community features on the platform, allowing caregivers to find a support system with others who are caring for a loved one.

It is accessible on all devices and it is free for anyone in the state who is caregiving thanks to the partnership with the state's Office for the Aging.