Three-year-old Arlo Colbert and her family spent Sunday at the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum for Kids Week.

It is a week dedicated to inspire the next generation of professionals working in science technology engineering and math.

“They spend a lot of time asking a lot of questions about science and looking at space books and exploring those subjects,” Leila Colbert said.

Leila Colbert is an architect and appreciates the opportunity for her kids to learn more about STEM.

What You Need To Know

  • Kids Week offers unique programming for children including a virtual reality station

  • Leila Colbert is an architect and wanted her kids to bring her kids to expose them to the opportunities that exist in STEM

  • Part of the museum exhibit is dedicated to explaining the function of the James Webb telescope used in space

  • Kids Week lasts through Feb. 25.

Leila’s six-year-old Sage already knows she wants to be an astronaut and was in training in the virtual reality station with all the gear.

“It was fun. Inside of the sun there was like waves of heat,” Sage Colbert said, describing her experience using the virtual reality station.

Her older brother Henry also lined up to see what it would be like to visit the solar system.

“I’m looking at a VR headset that is supposed to make you feel like you’re in space,” the eight-year-old said.

Here at the museum, VR is a great way for kids to imagine their future in the sciences.

“VR is a tool for actual technological advancements having kids understand that, especially at a young age, will help them use it as they grow,” said David Winters, the museum’s executive vice president.

Representatives from NASA show kids and adults alike how the James Webb telescope works. The telescope was put in space last year.

“The telescope is so special because it is out in space. It’s not a telescope based here on earth. Telescopes on earth require scientists to look through the atmosphere which can distort images in space,” Winters said. “It avoids all of that distortion and you can look out to the stars much clearer.”

The final stop for the Colbert family: the flight deck.

“I just like all the planes,” Henry Colbert said.

Leila Colbert said the most rewarding part of the experience is seeing her kids’ reactions as they took it all in.

“They’re really excited. It makes me happy to see them happy and enjoying themselves and it is so great because it is right down the road from us,” Leila Colbert said.

The exhibit at the museum is located at Pier 86 along the West Side Highway and is set to run through Feb. 25.