Governor Andrew Cuomo is set to meet with the president in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, and a main point being discussed is infrastructure projects. These, Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul says, “will help supercharge our economy.”

“This is our moment. This is our chance to redefine New York City, and to come out of the ashes that we’ve experienced and the depths we’ve had to go through as a community, and how hard it’s been on our business community in particular,” Hochul said in an interview with NY1.

She says New York is up to the challenge to rebuild, but that an important part in that is getting financial assistance from the federal government.

Hochul also pointed out that regions in New York are progressing at different paces in terms of getting businesses up and operating again.

“We’re trying to find that sweet spot to make sure that people feel safe to come out, but we also don’t hold the economy back any longer than necessary,” she said.

Some New York regions will be on the cusp of entering Phase Two of reopening—which includes hair salons and retail—by Friday or Monday.

And while New York City has yet to even enter Phase One, it is just a few short days or weeks behind, says Hochul. The state is now focusing efforts to ensure the city gets there.

New York State will be sending additional resources to hardest-hit zip codes across NYC, including majority minority neighborhoods, said Cuomo in his briefing Tuesday.