The personal side of famed New York City artist Andy Warhol is explored in a new docuseries, “The Andy Warhol Diaries.” The six-part series by director Andrew Rossi uses the 1989 publication “The Andy Warhol Diaries” as a road map.

“I adapted the diaries in a script and I really tried to focus on Andy’s romantic life,” said Rossi. "I tried to connect those to his artwork, and to this exclusive archive that I was able to find at the Warhol Museum.”

Rossi said Warhol’s story was personal to him. “I always try and look at icons in my work and humanize them. And Andy Warhol is an icon that has been a hero to me since I was a child. I thought that the diaries were this remarkable window into understanding his love life and all the elements about him that were hidden behind the public performance.”

What You Need To Know

  • “The Andy Warhol Diaries” is new a 6-part docuseries on Netlix.

  • Artificial intelligence gives Andy Warhol a voice in "The Andy Warhol Diaries."

  • Andy Warhol’s romantic relationships are explored in “The Andy Warhol Diaries.”

“The Andy Warhol Diaries” looks at Warhol’s romantic ties to fellow artist Jean-Michel Basquiat and two other significant relationships in the series. “I was riveted by his comments about Jed Johnson that he describes living in his townhouse, which I did not know, about John Gould. He absolutely connects his search for meaning in life, to a desire to fall in love. I knew that I wanted that to be my angle on the diaries, that it was a love story, not just a laundry list of parties,” Rossi said.

Throughout the series, we hear from Warhol himself with the help of artificial intelligence and actor Bill Irwin. “I hired the company Resemble AI to create an algorithm that took a data set of Andy speaking in an interview from 1981 and use that to clone his voice with the Pittsburgh accent. And then I combine that with a recording of Bill Irwin.”

Rossi said he learned there was a lot of pain behind Warhol’s art, wig, and glasses.“I learned that the real key to Andy is reinvention, is constructing a version of himself throughout his career. And within that is a real sense of pain about the way that he looked a longing for romantic connection.”

The six-part series is streaming on Netflix now.