growing list of controversies plaguing the Adams administration may be dampening the public’s faith in government at exactly the wrong time, according to Grace Rauh, the executive director of the 5BORO Institute, a nonpartisan public policy group based in the city.

“We have so many very real and pressing public policy needs for the city right now,” Rauh, a former NY1 political reporter, told the “Mornings On 1” team Tuesday.

“We have an affordability crisis, housing — high cost of housing, not enough housing — homelessness, education, child care. These are all things that should be top of mind for City Hall, for our leaders,” she added. “They’re certainly top of mind for New Yorkers, and we’re concerned that everything that’s happening, all the turmoil, is going to be a distraction and really hinder the progress that we need to be making on these issues that are so pressing for so many New Yorkers.”

Adams and his top officials are facing four different federal probes involving corruption and illegal campaign donations.

His chief counsel, Lisa Zornberg, resigned on Saturday, days after the police commissioner tendered his resignation.