Ulster County Executive Pat Ryan joined Errol Louis on "Inside City Hall" Wednesday to break down his special election win in New York's 19th Congressional District, a victory that has drawn national attention ahead of the midterms this November. Ryan explained why he focused much of his campaign on abortion rights and offered his advice to his fellow Democrats looking to win in competitive districts.

"Rooting it in authenticity and knowing your district is always the most important thing," Ryan said. "The willingness to stand up and fight, to be clear about the values that we believe in, and to be unifying in talking about freedom and choice and safety and trust, shared American values. I think that's something people are depserately wanting and needing."

"To feel that there is something to be for, something positive and hopeful in a very, very dark time," Ryan added.

He also discussed the state of U.S. democracy and how he plans to approach it as a veteran entering Congress.