It’s been two years since three siblings drowned in the middle of the night on Coney Island.

Their mother, Erin Merdy, was indicted on multiple counts of first- and second-degree murder.  

The NY1 series, “In the Dark” confirmed she had a case history with the Administration for Children’s Services. This is what Jess Dannhauser, the commissioner of ACS, said about where the investigation stands and what ACS could have done differently to save those children, “I don’t believe that discussing the details of individual families’ lives is the best way to drive system change. When it’s important, when the public needs to know if we get something terribly wrong, I’ll make sure that they know.”

A recent article from New York Post columnist Naomi Schaefer Riley suggests that ACS should be looking for new leadership, after more child deaths this summer.

Schaefer Riley joined “The Rush Hour” on Friday to discuss this case.