New York state Democratic Committee Chair Jay Jacobs has been reelected to a sixth term, the organization announced Thursday, remaining the party's leader as it looks to this fall’s elections to come back from some electoral setbacks in the last few years.

“I am honored to have the unanimous support and confidence of the New York State Democratic Committee in another term as Party Chair,” Jacobs said in a statement. “With Governor Kathy Hochul's stewardship, we are going to win in November, take back the House, and win the presidency - electing the first female President of the United States of America."

Jacobs has survived previous challenges to his leadership in years past from progressive advocates discontent with the party as being too moderate. He also faced criticism after the 2022 elections where Democrats largely held their own nationwide but lost four New York seats in the House of Representatives, enabling Republicans to take control of the chamber, and Gov. Kathy Hochul hung on to the governorship in the closest gubernatorial contest in 28 years. The Democratic Party remains dominant at the statewide level and enjoys supermajorities in the state Legislature.

The man who told then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo to resign in 2021 and immediately threw his support behind Hochul right afterward remains having steady strong support from Hochul.

“The New York State Democratic Committee is focused on our tremendous efforts to flip the House majority and elect Democrats down the ballot this November," Hochul said in a statement. “I’m grateful for Jay Jacob’s dedication to the State Committee and for his commitment to ensuring Democrats win in every corner of our state."

Jacobs served as party chair from 2009 to 2012 and returned in 2019.


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