Mayor Bill de Blasio is notching another endorsement in his belt and is also criticizing Hillary Clinton's losing campaign that has Donald Trump headed to the White House. NY1's Josh Robin filed the following report.
Local 32BJ has 75,000 members in the city, custodians and doormen and security guards who can provide political muscle to turn out voters in a primary or general election.
"This is a boots-on-the-ground endorsement. This is a knock-on-doors endorsement. This is a make-phone-calls endorsement," Mayor Bill de Blasio said.
It's an endorsement where it's became increasingly apparent how de Blasio will campaign.
"I certainly know my focal point message is going to be about fairness for working people," de Blasio said.
It's a message he does not think Hillary Clinton stressed enough in her losing bid, even with a winning platform.
"The vision was there. Tax the wealthy, make them pay their fair share, higher wages and benefits, things that working families need like paid family leave, paid sick leave," de Blasio said. "It was a great vision. But it was not in the center of the general election."
All those issues were, in fact, a staple of Clinton's stump speech.
De Blasio had an uneven relationship with Clinton's campaign, declining to endorse her at first, then stumping for her repeatedly after she emphasized issues he deemed important. But now, that already seems like ancient history.
The endorsement is the mayor's third from a union just this week. But not everyone in organized labor is as enthusiastic about returning Bill de Blasio to City Hall.
John Samuelsen, the leader of the local transport workers union, calls de Blasio's professed concern for everyday New Yorkers a "crock."
"Let's start at the very beginning, which makes the headlines frequently. You can't build with non-union labor in New York City and say I'm a progressive or I'm a friend of the labor movement. That's a non-starter," Samuelsen said.
But with backing from sanitation and retail workers, de Blasio is trying to scare off Democratic opponents. Although maybe not all. Former Brooklyn City councilman Sal Albanese and Queens state Senator Tony Avella are considering runs. Both handily lost previous bids for the Democratic mayoral nomination.