Governor Andrew Cuomo on Thursday announced his plans for an executive order to protect transgender rights when it comes to areas such as housing and unemployment. Zack Fink filed the following report.

Using executive authority, Governor Andrew Cuomo bypassed the state legislature and added transgender New Yorkers to the list of those protected under state law.

"I am directing the State Division of Human Rights to immediately issue regulations defining New York State's anti-discrimination law to prohibit discrimination against trans individuals in the state of New York."

The governor made the announcement at the annual fall dinner for the Empire State Pride Agenda. For years, the organization has been fighting for a bill, known as GENDA, that would offer the same protections the governor has now enacted.

"This is a historic moment for our fight for LGBT equality in New York State," said Nathan Schaefer of the Empire State Pride Agenda. Transgender New Yorkers have suffered discrimination in nearly every facet of their life."

Every year, the GENDA bill passes the state Assembly, but the Republican-led Senate blocks it.

"We were really hoping the Senate Republicans would come to their senses. They never did. They blocked it. It was terribly frustrating," said state Senator Daniel Squadron, whose district covers parts of Brooklyn and Manhattan. "And now the governor has acted."

In 2002, New York passed major legislation protecting the rights of gay and lesbian New Yorkers.

"The law protected lesbians, gays and bisexuals, but the law left out the "T," so to speak. It left behind the transgendered, because they said they couldn't get it passed if it included transgendered. So they were dropped from the bill and the rest was passed," Cuomo said.

Mayor Bill de Blasio was not at the dinner, but First Lady Chirlane McCray was.

"Any time anybody gets to embrace their gender it is a good thing. And I am here to celebrate with Empire," McCray said. "And I think it's wonderful."

Now that GENDA has been rendered unnecessary, Empire State Pride Agenda can focus on its other legislative priorities, which include ending a practice known as Gay Conversion Therapy.