A new report from an independent federal monitor shows the NYPD had failed to comply with a court-ordered mandate to reform stop-and-frisk practices.

The monitor found unconstitutional stops increased from 10.6% in 2021 to 11.3% in 2022, while unconstitutional frisks increased from 15.8% in 2021 to 23.9% in 2022.

During the same time frame, NYPD officers did not submit reports in more than 31% of audited stops, and unlawful searches also went up nearly 50%, according to the report.

The Neighborhood Safety Teams program, which aims to better the relationship between the NYPD and predominately Black and Latino neighborhoods, was found by the monitor to be engaging in the majority of unlawful stops and searches.

Data from the report was collected before the How Many Stops Act, which requires officers to record the race, age and gender of the civilians they approach during investigative encounters, took effect in July.

“Public safety and constitutional policing are both critical components of the NYPD’s mission, and members of the Department work tirelessly, every day, to keep people safe and to police fairly,” a spokesperson for the NYPD said in a statement. “The NYPD is committed to working collaboratively with the monitor to address the areas of concern raised in this latest report.”